Institute Distinctiveness

GAYATRI VIDYA PARISHAD was established in the year 1988 by a group of distinguished academicians under the visionary leadership of Late Prof. B.Sarveswara Rao garu, former Professor of Economics, Andhra University, Member - Planning Commission of India and a Cambridge mind with an objective of promoting value rich and quality focused higher education in distinct area of academics in the city of Destiny – Visakhapatnam.

The Mission of the institution places emphasis on three aspects (thrust areas) essentially: Academic excellence through value-based education, strong research base and sustainable development thereby leading to exponent for development of a holistic personality of a student intern resulting in the realization of institution’s vision - “CREATING HUMAN EXCELLENCE FOR A BETTER SOCIETY”. Development of a holistic personality resulting in the realization of the vision:(Sustainable Development) Participation of the students in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities helps to enhance total development of personality of students to face the turbulent times with a fortitude attitude. Experience gained through these activities turns very helpful to the students during internships and placement. In addition to Departments, IIPC and EDC units also organize expert lectures, invited talks, industrial visits which attribute to effective implementation of the curriculum. Skill Development programs are organized regularly to students to upgrade their skills. Career guidance, personal counseling, training well-structured and integrated into various academic programs through a mentoring system and central placement cell activity. Student participation in professional bodies and associations is encouraged. Many of our illustrious alumni are holding positions of responsibility in the corporate world as well as in public services and politics. Quite a few of them have established their own business and progressing in their chosen career paths. Alumni have a strong attachment to their alma mater and are prepared to connect among themselves as well as to the Institution. Re-union meetings are helping them to be aware of the progress of the Institution. Ardent efforts are made consistently to sync our ‘Mission’ and ‘vision’ for the holistic development of students so that they can replicate the success story of their predecessors. The most effective method of marching forward towards this objective is through academia-industry meet (by way of organizing seminars, conferences, symposia etc.) as well as fruitful interactions with successful alumni through alumni meet, guest lectures. All the above-mentioned efforts made by the institution leads to appreciable all round performance of the students by assuring academic excellence through value enriched education with strong research base finally paving way to sustainable development resulting in realizing the vision of the institution.

The Institute has a structured Examination committee consisting of Secretary and correspondent, Principal, Adviser, Professors, senior faculty members and Controller of Examinations which prepares the academic calendar well in advance before the commencement of the session/semester.