Department of English

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Department of English was established in the year 1989 since then it is playing a vital role in developing the communication skills of the students who enrolled in all the courses to meet the global needs. It created a platform for the students to chisel themselves in the competitive world. The Department took an active role in curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular activities. It’s un tired efforts have made the students job ready and confident enough to accomplish their future goals.

HoD’s message

M.A.,M.Ed.,PhD MBA
Indian English Literature
Assistant Professor & HOD

The importance of English is undeniable in the contemporary education. Veering away from being a mere colonial legacy, it is now an essential and definite component in global skill requirements, a criterion for progress and advancement in the present day world. While the language component hones up the students’ skill sets and enhances their employability, the literary component fosters critical thinking and promotes artistic appreciation in them. English is no longer the study of the literature but comprises a wide range of exciting areas of interest including film studies, gender studies, cultural studies, media studies etc. The quickening multidisciplinary of the subject makes it a very exciting subject to pursue, with several options to branch out academically and career wise.

The Department of English is one of the oldest departments in the College which has been functioning actively since the inception of the institution with expert faculty who constantly strives hard for the successful running of the department. It is involved in all the activities of the college and contributes a lot in the development of the college. The department extends its support in training the students to participate and win prizes in various literary and cultural events at all levels. It nurtures the communication and soft skills of the students for their better employability.

List of Faculty Members

 NameDesignationQualificationArea of SpecializationEmail IdDOJ
Mr.P.Srinivasan Sr.Asst.Professor M.A.,MBA 20st Century Literaturepragadas2019@gmail.com

Mr. K. Sankara RaoAsst. Professor M.A,B.Ed ELT and 21st century English ksankara@gvpcdpgc.edu.in

Dr.G.Vijayalakshmi Asst.Professor M.A.,M.Ed.,PhD MBA,Indian English Literature gampa1971@gmail.com

Uchula.Vedavathi Asst.ProfessorM.A.Indian English Literaturevedavathi.rani@gmail.com
